

  1. vi editor command
    This link is very useful to learn about vi editor. If you are new with vi
    it will help you get used to vi editor.

  2. Libgen
    Find the book you want to read and download it for free! enter the name
    or ISBN of the book then see the result. (NOTE : Some books are not there but it still useful)

  3. Linux Command
    Basic linux command explanation in indonesia. My GSGS way
    is see some basic commads. We can make miracle with basic things :)

  4. Cryptography basics
    This link describe about how cryptography work in a simple way.
    It also has easy-to-understand illustrations.

  5. File allocation methods: Linked Allocation
    This is a video explaining about linked allocation methods. Which
    will be used in Little Brother File System. I am a bit of confused about it
    at first but i am slowly can follow up. Hope this helpful.

  6. Linux File System
    Know about linux file systems! There is explanation about
    file directory and mounting too.

  7. C-Pointers
    The basic you want to know to use pointer on C language.

  8. Education4U Operating System Playlist
    I Found youtube channel that provide explanation about page replacement algorithm.
    It help me to learn about FIFO, Optimal, adn LRU Algorithm. If you want to check
    the videos these are the videos i’ve watched:
  9. Fork
    Explain about fork in c language. It gives basic understanding about fork
    and help understanding some demos in week06. If you want to know more see
    More about Fork

  10. semaphore
    I read this to understand the very basic of semaphore. It’s just the
    basic but i find it helpful to read before class.

  11. Process Scedhuling
    Explain about process scedhuling while doing multiprogramming in operating system.

  12. Mass Storage management
    Explain about Scedhuling algorithm.